Wednesday, 3 December 2008

amazing buildings in the world

The Crooked House ( Poland

This was once one of the most unseen blocks of houses in Rotterdam , and by applying a layer of only 2 micron of blue paint onto it, it became Rotterdam 's most photographed one.
The Astra House ( Germany )

The Blue Building ( Netherlands )

will remain blue as long as there isn't a new plan for the area. The borough of Delfshaven, Rotterdam , asked Schildersbedrijf N&F Hijnen to come up with a plan for a block of derelict buildings, which will eventually be demolished. The agreement with the neighbourhood is that the block

The Robot Building ( Thailand )

Kansas City Library ( United States )

prospects in an effort to draw interest into the recently developed area.

1 comment:

MurciaDailyPhoto said...

Wow! What an amazing buildings. I only visited the building of Prague and it is so beautiful. It's near to the Moldava River.